Dibert, Stark & Brown Cypress Company at Donner, Louisiana |
Historical Timeline |
1903 |
February 3, 1903
Dibert, Stark & Brown Cypress Company, Ltd. is chartered (Plessala, 1999). |
1910 |
Dibert, Stark & Brown is listed in the 1910 edition of the American Lumberman's Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment as operating 2-1/2 miles of railroad using 60-lb. rails. Equipment operated were 2 locomotives, 26 logging cars and 1 Lidgerwood log loader. |
1917 |
The following is a general description of the facilities of Dibert Stark & Brown was given in a promotional booklet published by the Times-Picayune at New Olreans in 1917 (Times-Picayune, 1917). |
1939 |
The mill is noted as being closed by 1939 (Crawford, Farber, and Schenkman, 1996). |
Bibliography and Further Reading |
American Lumberman. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago: American Lumberman, 1910. |
Crawford, Louis, Glyn Farber, and David E. Schenkman. Louisiana Trade Tokens: A Listing and History of the Known Trade Tokens Used in the State of Louisiana. Lake Mary, Fla: Token and Medal Society, 1996. |
Plessala, Jo Anne Gosselin. I Remember Donner: A Historical Narrative About An Early Twentieth-Century Sawmill Community, 1900-1938. Houma, La.: Progressive Software, 1999. |
(New Orleans) Times-Picayune. Louisiana: A Text Book of the Industrial, Commercial, Financial, Agricultural, Live Stock, Produce, Lumber and Mineral Resources and Advantages of a Great State. New Orleans: The Times-Picayune, 1917. |
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Text and images were digitized and proofread from the original source documents by Murry Hammond. Contact Murry for all corrections, additions, and contributions of new material. |