Kirby Lumber Company at Browndell, Texas, in 1902; excerpts from American Lumberman magazine.  
Source: American Lumberman. "Timber Resources of East Texas, Their Recognition And Development", originally published in American Lumberman November 22, 1902. Chicago: American Lumberman, 1902. pp. 175-177.
  Excerpt from "CHAPTER XXII., New Mills R, S and T”:  

This mill building will be 60 feet wide by 214 feet long. This mill will be built near Weed, about eighteen miles north of Jasper, where the timber supply is unsurpassed. The sawing floor is to be equipped with endless chain log haul-up to the double deck, which is to be provided with two 3-arm steam log kickers for rolling the logs from the haul-up to either deck, and also two 3-arm steam log loaders and deckstops, one for each carriage. Both carriages are to be equipped with three steel blocks, latest improved pattern, with Wilkin steam power set works, pneumatic buffers and steam feeds. The mill will be provided with two 8-foot extended bed band saws of the latest pattern. The auxiliary machinery will consist of two 60-inch 6-saw edgers to cut from three to 30 inches wide by one to six inches thick, with 36-foot suspended back tables on channel steel, supplied with live rolls; one 13-saw overcut automatic trimmer, to trim from 10 to 32 feet; automatic transfers to carry the lumber from live rolls to edgers, and also to take slabs from live rolls to floor chains. The floor extends out on a level with the mill at the tail, and is to be provided with live rolls, transfer chains and cut-off saws for handling and trimming timbers and other material that does not pass through the trimmer. Capacity when completed will be about 100,000 feet of lumber in a 10-hour run.

Text and images were digitized and proofread from the original source documents by Murry Hammond. Contact Murry for all corrections and contributions of new material.