Edmund P. Turner, biography c. 1903
[from Year Book for Texas]
  Source: Raines, Cadwell Walton. Year Book for Texas, p. 390. Austin, Tex: Gammel-Statesman Pub. Co, 1903.
  E. P. Turner

The fascination that the railroad business evidently possesses for men of ability, is doubtless due to the fact that, starting at the bottom of the ladder (where all are made to begin), it opens practically an unlimited field for preferment, that in it all pretense and incompetency are quickly exposed and nothing but merit wins, and capacity is quickly recognized, promptly utilized, generously recompensed, and is the only master-key that unlocks all the doors that lead to success.

Among other brainy men whose talents it has abmrbed, may be mentioned the gentleman whose name heads this brief, friendly notice. E. P. Turner was born in Ottumwa, Iowa, in 1856, began railroading as a telegraph operator with the old Atlantic & Pacific Railway when 13 yeare of age; was ticket agent of the I. & G. N. Railroad at Houston in 1872, adopted the motto "No trouble to answer questions", in 1876, and was ticket agent of the Texas & Pacific Railway Company for nearly twenty years prior to being appointed General Passenger and Ticket Agent of that line in 1897, which position he has since filled. He is one of the most widely and favorably known railroad men in the country, has done an immense beneficial work not only for his line, but for Texas, and virtually, ae the pioneer in that direction, deserves great credit for introducing and applying in his dealings with the public those principles of kindness, courtesy, and accommodating helpfulness that lend a charm to private life -- in a word, for demonstrating that it is possible to be a first class, dashing and capable business man and at the same time a polished and thorough gentleman. It is no trouble for him to answer questions, and, it may be said truly, there are none in his line that he can not answer. His home in Dallas is one of the most delightful and elegant in the State, for the reason that in early life, with his usual good sense, he placed "at the head of it", as his wife, one of the fairest, best, and most accomplished daughters of the South.

The writer has known Mr. Turner for years, and has watched his career -- his steady and modest upward climbing -- almost from its beginning. He is undoubtedly one of the strong men intellectually, and one of the potent factors for good, in the State, and it is to be hoped that he will tarry long enough "on this dull terrestrial ball" to help push Texas well to the fore, and as much longer as will enable him to enjoy the fruits of the good work when it is accomplished.

Text and images were digitized and proofread from the original source documents by Murry Hammond. Contact Murry for all corrections and contributions of new material.