Texas Logging Railroads: A Comprehensive List of Companies |
This list compiles entries for all Texas logging railroads listed in TTA's Railroad Database.
Bibliography sources are listed in the indiviual entries in the database. |
A |
Aetna Lumber Co. tram at Dodge (Walker County). Operating in 1907.
Aldridge Lumber Co. tram at Aldridge (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 6 and 11 miles.
Aldridge Lumber Co. tram at Rockland (Tyler County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1907. Known mileage varied between 4 and 8 miles.
Allen and Co. tram at Corrigan (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Allen and Co. tram at Mobile (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
Allen and Williams Co. tram at Corrigan (Polk County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 5 miles.
Allen and Williams Co. tram at Tyler (Smith County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1887.
Allen Brothers tram near Texarkana and in Miller County, Arkansas. 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
Sam Allen Co. tram at Corrigan (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Length, 14 miles.
T. B. Allen and Co. tram at Milvid (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, "several miles."
Anderson and Cameron Co. tram at Saron (Trinity County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 5 and 7 miles.
Anderson Brothers Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating in 1907.
R. G. Andrews Lumber Co. tram at Rosewood (Upshur County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907.
Angelina Hardwood Co. tram at Ewing (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operated after 1928.
Angelina and Neches River R.R. Co. (Angelina, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, and Tyler Counties). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operations began in 1895 as an unincorporated tram, then as the A&NR from 1900 - date. Known mileage varied between 10 and 33 miles.
Angelina County Lumber Co. tram (Angelina, Cherokee, Nacogdoches, and Tyler Counties). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 8 and 19.5 miles.
Angle Lumber Co. tram at Stryker (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 3 and 6 miles.
D. M. Angle tram at Bissell (P.O. at Trinity) (Trinity County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 5 miles.
Ames Shovel and Tool Co. tram at Paris (Lamar County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907. Length, 12 miles.
Arnold and Brothers tram at Montgomery (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1885.
C. W. Arnold tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge.
Atlanta Lumber Mills tram at Atlanta (Cass County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 20 miles.
Atlanta & Mount Pleasant R.R. Co. at Atlanta (see also Jefferson Lumber Co.) (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operated 1885 to 1894. Length, 12 miles.
Attoyac River Lumber Co. tram at Press (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1909.
J. K. Ayres Co. tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). 28-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1891. Length, 2 miles.
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B |
Ball Garden Co. tram at Kleburg (Dallas County). 36-inch gauge.
Bancroft Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating in 1897.
T. Bancroft, Sons and Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 10 and 20 miles.
Barber Lumber Co. tram at Hartburg (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 2.5 and 5 miles.
Barrett and Cline Lumber Co. tram at Spring (Walker County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1907. Length, 4 miles projected.
S. W. Beard tram at Willis (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1908.
Beatrice Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1915. Length, 12 miles.
Beaumont Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson and Jasper County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1902. Known mileage varied between 6 and 12 miles.
Beaumont and Saratoga Transportation Co. at Voth (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1905 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 6.75 and 21 miles.
Beaumont and Northern Ry. Co. at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Length, 35 miles projected; unclear if this was built.
Beaumont Saw Mill Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating in 1907.
Beaumont Shingle and Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating by 1906 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 5 miles.
Beaumont Timber Co. tram at Beaumont at Beaumont (Jefferson County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1909.
Beaumont Timber Co. tram at Spring at Spring (Harris County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1915. Length, 8 miles.
Beltex Lumber Co. tram at Maud (Bowie County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1918 to at least 1928.
J. H. Bemis and Co. tram (Cass? County). Operating in 1891. Length, 30 miles.
C. Bender and Son tram at Humble (Harris County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1917. Length, 15 miles.
C. Bender and Son tram at Moscow (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Known mileage varied between 2 and 4 miles.
Benford Lumber Co. tram at Laurelia (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1910. Known mileage varied between 17 and 20 miles.
Benford and Western Transportation Co. at Benford (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1909 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 10 and 20 miles.
J. A. Bentley and Co. tram at Plank (Hardin County). Operating in 1893. Length, 7 miles.
Benton Lumber Co. tram at Nona (Hardin County).
Bering, Kiam and Southern R.R. Co. at Bering (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 10 and 19.5 miles.
Bering Manufacturing Co. tram at Bering (Polk County). Operating in 1907.
W. G. Bering Co. tram at Moscow (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Known mileage varied between 5 and 9 miles.
W. G. Bering Co. tram at Bering (Polk County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 7 miles.
Big Creek and Trinity Valley R.R. Co. (Liberty Hardwood Co.) at Big Creek (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 4 and 10 miles.
Frank Bivins Lumber Co. tram at Kildare (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1900.
Bivins Lumber Co. tram at Ashland (Upshur County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1919 to at least 1920.
Bivins Lumber Co. tram at James (Upshur County). Standard-gauge.
Bivins Lumber Co. tram at Longview (Gregg County). Operating in 1920.
Bivins Lumber Co. tram at Tally (Harrison County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 3 and 4.5 miles.
Bivins, Venable and Co. tram at Wayne (P.O. at Bivins) (Cass County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Black Bayou R.R. Co. connecting Myrtis, Louisiana and Smithfield, Texas (Caddo Parish and Cass County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1903 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 8 and 18 miles.
H. Blinn tram at Kildare (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1883.
Blount-Decker Lumber Co. tram at Alto (Cherokee County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1924. Known mileage varied between 10 and 24 miles.
Blount-Summers Lumber Co. tram at Latexo (Houston County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1917. Length, 7 miles.
Bodan Lumber Co. tram at Pollok (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1900 to at least 1912. Length, 20 miles.
H. G. Bohlssen Manufacturing Co. tram at Ewing (Angelina County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
T. R. Bonner and Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Bowers and Piney Creek Ry. Co. (A. W. Morris tram ) at Bowers (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1889 until 1890. Charter for the B&PC was revoked in 1891. Known mileage varied between 3 and 8 miles.
Bowie Lumber Co. tram ("Texarkana & Northern R.R.") at Texarkana (Bowie County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
A. C. Boynton tram at Panola (Panola County). 36-inch gauge.
A. L. Boynton Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Boynton Lumber Co. tram at Logtown (Newton County). Operating in 1912. Length, 5 miles.
Boynton Lumber Co. tram at White City (San Augustine County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 8 miles.
Bradford-Hicks Lumber Co. tram at Dyersdale (Harris County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1910 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 4 and 16 miles.
Bradford-Hicks Lumber Co. tram at Mount Houston (Harris County). Operating in 1912. Length, 5.5 miles.
Brice Lumber Co. tram at Paula. 36-inch gauge. Operated about 1917?.
Joseph Brooks tram at Brantley (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
Brown and Flewellin tram at Longview (Gregg County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1890 to at least 1901.
R. G. Brown tram at Longview (Gregg County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 14 and 16 miles.
Bruce Lumber Co. tram at Porters (Montgomery County). "Narrow gauge." Operating by 1907 to at least 1912. Length, 4 miles.
Bryan Brothers tram at Tenaha (Shelby County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 3 miles.
Burkeville Ry. Co. at Burkeville (Newton County). Operating in 1919.
Burnett Lumber Co. tram at Clawson (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1907.
Burns Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating sometime after 1910.
Burrus Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating in 1920.
Bush Brothers Lumber and Milling Co. tram at Spring (Harris County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1910. Length, 4 miles, projected.
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C |
Cameron Lumber Mills Co. tram at Carmona (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1906. Known mileage varied between 7 and 8 miles.
William Cameron and Co. at Carmona (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 8 and 10 miles.
William Cameron and Co. at Nona (Hardin County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1910. Length, 14 miles.
William Cameron and Co. at Rockland (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 15 and 25 miles.
William Cameron and Co. at Saron (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 8 and 18 miles.
Campbell Lumber Co. tram at San Jacinto (San Jacinto County). Operating in 1902. Length, 8 miles.
Campbell and Patterson tram. 24-inch gauge. Operating in 1907.
Caro Northern Ry. Co. (see Whiteman-Decker Lumber Co.)
J. J., and B. M. Carter tram at Peach (Wood County). Operating in 1910.
Carter-Kelley Lumber Co. tram at Manning (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 3 and 25 miles.
Carter Lumber Co. tram at Baber (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 12 miles.
Carter Lumber Co. tram at Huntington (Angelina County). Operating in 1907.
W. T. Carter and Brother tram at Barnum (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1885 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 2 and 8 miles.
W. T. Carter and Brother tram at Bowers (Polk County). Operating in 1893. Length, 6 miles.
W. T. Carter and Brother tram at Camden (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1898 to at least 1950s. Known mileage varied between 12 miles unincorporated.
Cass Lumber Co. tram at Steep Creek (San Augustine County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1915. Length, 2 miles.
Mrs. L. F. Chambers tram at Burke (Angelina County). Operating in 1891.
J. C. Chandler tram at Chandler's Switch (P.O. at Conroe) (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1890 to at least 1893. Length, 3 miles.
Chester Lumber Co. at Chester (Tyler County). Operating in 1920.
Chester Lumber Co. at Hampton (Tyler County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Chronister Lumber Co. tram at Forest, a.k.a. "Durham" (Cherokee County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 20 and 21 miles.
Clark and Boice Lumber Co. tram at Jefferson (Marion County). Operating by 1907 to at least 1928. Length, 40 miles.
Clawson Lumber Co. tram at Clawson (Angelina County). Operating in 1893. Length, 10 miles.
J. P. Clevenger Co. tram at Clevenger (Nacogdoches County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 2 and 10 miles.
J. H. Coffman Lumber Co. tram at Bon Wier (Newton County). Operating in 1917. Length, 6 miles.
J. H. Collins Co. tram at Brantley (Montgomery County). Operating in 1891.
Collwood Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating about 1914.
Collwood Lumber Co. tram at Veach (San Augustine County). Operating in 1920.
Columbia Lumber Co. tram at Oakhurst (San Jacinto County). Operating in 1907.
Commercial Lumber Co. tram at Gilmer (Upshur County).
J. Conner tram. 36-inch gauge.
Conroe Lumber Co. tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). Operating in 1902. Length, 16 miles.
Isaac Conroe tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 3 and 4 miles.
Cook Lumber Co. tram at Texarkana (Bowie County). Operating in 1920.
J. M. Cordell and Sons tram at Fetzer (Waller County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Cow Creek Tram and Ry. Co. at Orange (Orange County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1902. Known mileage varied between 5 and 20.5 miles.
J. L. Cravens tram at Wells (Cherokee County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Crow-Fountain Lumber Co. tram at Kountze (Hardin County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Culbreath and Smith Logging Co. tram at Onalaska (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1913.
C. R. Cummings Lumber Co. tram at Dayton (Liberty County). Operating in 1907.
C. R. Cummings Export Co. tram at Wallisville (Chambers County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1915. Length, 6 miles.
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D |
A. F. Daniel Co. tram at Kountze (Hardin County). Operating in 1917. Length, 3 miles.
Daniel and Brinson tram, listed at Crockett in 1920 and Longview in 1925. 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1920 to at least 1925.
C. H. Daniel Lumber Co. at Magnolia (Montgomery County). Operating in 1924.
C. H. Daniel Lumber Co. at Richards (Grimes County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1918 to at least 1920.
Davidson-Ingram Lumber Co. tram at Corrigan (Polk County). Standard-gauge.
Davidson-Ingram Lumber Co. tram at Potomac. 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1909.
Lynch Davidson and Co. tram at Benford (Polk County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Davis Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907. Length, 1.5 miles.
Davisville Lumber Co. tram at Davisville (Angelina County). Standard-gauge.
Davisville Southeastern R.R. Co. at Davisville (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 4 miles.
Dayton Lumber Co. tram at Dayton (Liberty County).
Dearborn Tram and Transfer Co. tram at Dearborn (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 17 miles.
Deerfield Lumber Co. tram at Wilmington. "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1910. Length, 23 miles.
DeKalb Lumber Co. tram at DeKalb (Bowie County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 6 miles.
DeKalb and Red River R.R. Co. at DeKalb (Bowie County). Standard-gauge. Operated 1892 - 1899. Known mileage varied between 9.5 and 11.4 miles.
Delta Land and Timber Co. tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Length, 20 miles.
Delta Land and Timber Co. tram at Ratcliff (Houston County). Operating in 1917. Length, 25 miles.
C. L. Dismuke Co. tram at Woodville (Tyler County). Operating in 1920.
Dorsey Land and Lumber Co. tram at Texarkana (Bowie County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1912.
Duff and Eastern Ry. Co. at Duff or Neuville (Shelby County). Standard-gauge.
Dunn, Wurtsbaugh and Rand Co. tram at Lodi (Marion County). Operating in 1893. Length, 7 miles.
Durham Transportation Co. at Forest, a.k.a. "Durham" (Cherokee County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 17 and 27 miles.
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E |
Eastern Shore Line R.R. Co. at Keno (Liberty County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Known mileage varied between 5 and 9 miles.
Eastern Texas R.R. Co. (a.k.a. "Houston County R.R. ") at Kennard (Houston and Angelina Counties). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1900. Known mileage varied between 27 and 55.5 miles.
East Texas Transportation Co. at Atlanta (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1887 to at least 1895. Length, 43.3 miles.
Echols and Taylor tram at Stryker (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operated in the 1890s and possibly post-1900.
Edens-Birch Lumber Co. tram at Corrigan (Polk County). Standard-gauge.
Elmina and Eastern Transportation Co. at Elmina (Walker County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1905 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 10 and 24 miles.
Emporia Lumber Co. tram at Emporia (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1902 to at least 1905. Length, 15 miles.
Emporia and Gulf R.R. Co. at Emporia (Angelina County). Operating in 1900. Known mileage varied between 8 and 15 miles.
J. A. Ewing and Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
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F |
J. H. Falkey Co. tram at Cypress Top (near Cypress) (Harris County). Operating in 1891.
John Napoleon Fant tram at Easom (P.O. at Fant) (Polk County). Operating by 1889 - 1892.
Fidelity Lumber Co. tram at Doucette (Tyler County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 12 and 14 miles.
Charles N. Fisher tram at Seven Oaks (Polk County). 36-inch gauge.
H. Y., and C. W. Fisher tram at Alto (Cherokee County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1893.
George G. Fitzgerald Co. tram at Seven Oaks (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1887 to at least 1891.
D. H. Fleming and Son Lumber Co. tram at Chester (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1889 to at least 1893. Length, 3 miles.
D. H. Fleming and Son Lumber Co. tram at Hampton (Tyler County). Operating in 1907. Length, 4 miles.
J. B. Fleming Co. tram at Hampton (Tyler County). Operating in 1910. Length, 4 miles.
Foster Lumber Co. tram at Fostoria (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 12 and 25 miles.
Fostoria & Northern Transportation Co. (See also "Houston, Fostoria and Northern R.R. ") at Fostoria (Montgomery County). Operating in 1907.
George W. Fouke Lumber Co. tram at Crow (Wood County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907.
George W. Fouke Lumber Co. tram at Hawkins (Wood County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 3 and 12 miles.
Fowler and Dunn Co. tram at Montgomery (Montgomery County). Operating in 1891.
W. J. Fowler tram at P.O. at Trinity (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1888. Length, 2 miles.
J. R. Freeman tram at Leggett (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1890.
Frost-Johnson Lumber Co. of Texas tram at Nacogdoches (Nacogdoches County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 20 miles.
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G |
Galveston, Beaumont and Northeastern Ry. Co. at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating in 1906. Length, 5 miles.
Garrison Lumber Co. tram at Cleveland (Liberty County). Operating in 1912. Length, 3 miles.
Garrison Lumber Co. tram at Normanville (San Jacinto County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1913.
Garrison-Norton Lumber Co. tram at Pineland (Sabine County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1910. Length, 25 miles.
J. L. Garwood Co. tram at Medley (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 2 and 4 miles.
Garwood Saw Mill tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). Operating in 1891.
Gate City Lumber Co. tram at Texarkana, Arkansas. Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 2 and 7 miles.
Geissler Sawmill tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating in 1920.
Alexander Gilmer Lumber Co. tram at Brookeland (Sabine County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910.
Alexander Gilmer Lumber Co. tram at Jasper (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 17 and 20 miles.
Alexander Gilmer Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Alexander Gilmer Lumber Co. tram at Remlig (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1924. Known mileage varied between 4 and 25 miles.
Alexander Gilmer Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907.
Glenham Terminal Co. tram at Glenham, a.k.a. Dunstan (Bastrop County).
Glen Lumber Co. tram at Pine Ridge (Harrison County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1905 to at least 1907. Length, 15 miles.
A. B. Godley Lumber Co. tram at Crow, Texas (Wood County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907. Length, 4 miles.
J. M. Gossage and Co. tram at Dodge (Walker County). Operating in 1893. Length, 3 miles.
Grand Lake Lumber Co. tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating sometime after 1911.
Greer Lumber Co. tram at Roganville (Jasper County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1915. Length, 5 miles.
Greer and Downs Lumber Co. tram at San Augustine (San Augustine County). Operating in 1920.
C. B. Griffin Co. tram at Retrieve (Angelina County). Operating in 1907. Length, 2 miles.
Grogan-Cochran Lumber Co. tram at Tamina (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating sometime after 1911.
Grogan Manufacturing Co. tram at Bivins (Cass County). Operating in 1912. Length, 4 miles.
Grogan Manufacturing Co. tram at Gladstell (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 7 and 15 miles.
R. W. Grogan Lumber Co. tram at Harleton (Harrison County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1902.
Groveton, Kickapoo and Gulf R.R. Co. at Groveton (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 - 1893. Known mileage varied between 4 and 8 miles.
Gulf and Pacific R.R. Co. at Fostoria (Montgomery County). Operating by 1904 to at least 1905. Length, 7 miles.
Gulf, Sabine and Red River R.R. Co. (HQ at Orange, Texas; R.R. entirely in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1886 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 12 and 36 miles.
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H |
T. L. Hackney tram at Corrigan (Polk County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1885 to at least 1890.
Hamburg Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1920.
C. N. Hanna tram at Seven Oaks (Polk County). 36-inch gauge.
R. T. Hardesty tram at Bobbin (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1883 to at least 1893.
R. T. Hardesty tram at Montgomery (Montgomery County). Length, 8 miles.
R. T. Hardesty tram at Navasota (Grimes County). 36-inch gauge.
Harris Brothers tram at Maydelle (Cherokee County). Operating in 1920.
Tobe Harris tram at Normanville (San Jacinto County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1918.
Hartburg Lumber Co. tram at Hartburg (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1920 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 5 and 9 miles.
Hayward Lumber Co. tram at Nacogdoches (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1906. Length, 7 miles.
Heath and King tram at Kildare (Cass County). Operating in 1912. Length, 4 miles.
Henderson Lumber Co. tram at Rusk (Cherokee County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Henderson and Kurth Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating in 1891.
Hilgard Lumber Co. tram at Laurelia (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1907. Length, 17 miles.
Hilgard Lumber Co. tram at Mayotown (Nacogdoches County). Operating in 1917. Length, 18 miles.
G. C. Holston tram at Louetta (Harris County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Honea Lumber Co. tram at Keenan (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge.
Hope Lumber Co. tram at Harleton (Harrison County). Operating by 1893 to at least 1900. Known mileage varied between 3.5 and 8 miles.
Houston County R.R. Co. (see also Eastern Texas Ry.) at Ratcliff (Houston County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 25 and 35 miles.
Houston, Fostoria and Northern R.R. Co. at Fostoria (Montgomery County). Operating in 1906.
Houston and Liggett Manufacturing Co. tram at Houston (Harris County). Operating in 1907. Length, unknown.
J. S. Hunt Lumber Co. tram at Willis (Montgomery County). Operating in 1928.
Huntsville and Eastern R.R. Co. at Huntsville (Walker County). Operating by 1897 to at least 1899. Known mileage varied between 7 and 8 miles.
Huntsville and Southeastern R.R. Co. at Huntsville (Walker County). Operating by 1900 to at least 1901. Length, 7 miles.
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I |
Ed Ingram tram at Ingram, a.k.a. Petersburg (Polk County). Operating by 1907 - 1910.
Irish Bayou Lumber Co. tram at Irish or "Ayish" Bayou (San Augustine County). Operating in 1913.
Ives Lumber Co. tram at Ives (Montgomery? County). 36-inch gauge.
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J |
Jack Creek Lumber Co. tram at Keltys (Angelina County). Operating in 1907. Length, 3 miles projected.
Jasper County Lumber Co. tram at Jasper (Jasper County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Jeanes Brothers Lumber Co. tram at Todd (Grimes County). Operating in 1917. Length, 7 miles.
Jefferson and Co. tram (County is unclear; sources note headquarters at Jefferson, Texas County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1888 to at least 1891.
Jefferson and Co. tram at Leggett (Polk County). Operating by 1886 to at least 1890.
Jefferson and Cruse Lumber Co. tram at Keno (Liberty County). 36-inch gauge. Operated 1899 - 1941. Known mileage varied between 3 and 5 miles.
Jefferson Lumber Co. (see also Atlanta & Mount Plesant R.R.) tram at Atlanta (Cass County). Operating in 1891.
Jefferson Lumber Co. (see also Kildare & Linden Ry.) tram at Kildare (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 - 1887.
Jefferson & Northwestern Ry. (1899-1934), renamed "R.R. Co." (1934-1941) (Marion, Cass and Morris Counties). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating in 1888. Known mileage varied between 12 and 40 miles.
Peter Josserand and George Johnson tram at Petersburg, a.k.a. Fant (Polk County). Operating by 1903 - 1907.
P. Josserand and Brothers tram at Josserand (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 2 and 8 miles.
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K |
K. & P. Lumber Co. tram at Naples (Morris County). Standard-gauge. Operated former Sullivan-Sanford Lbr. mill in 1910.
Karner Brothers tram at Donie (HQ at Mexia, Freestone County). Operating in 1907. Length, 6 miles projected.
Katy Lumber Co. tram at Josserand (Trinity County). Operating in 1912. Length, 5 miles.
Keefer Lumber Co. tram at Keefer (Montgomery County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1924 to at least 1929.
Keefer Lumber Co. tram at New Caney (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1925 to at least 1926.
Keith Lumber Co. tram at Voth (Jefferson County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1920. Length, 14 miles.
Keno and Cold Springs R.R. Co. at Keno (Liberty County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1895. Length, 4 miles.
J. H. Kerr tram at Alto (Cherokee County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1922.
Keystone Mills Co. tram at Waukegan (Montgomery County). "Narrow gauge." Operating by 1910 to at least 1923. Length, 12 miles.
Kickapoo and Gulf R.R. Co. at Groveton (Trinity County). Operating by 1893 to at least 1894. Known mileage varied between 5 and 6 miles.
Kickapoo R.R. Co. at Groveton (Trinity County). Operating by 1895 to at least 1905. Known mileage varied between 7 and 20 miles.
Kildare Lumber Co. tram at Kildare (Cass County). Operating in 1893. Length, 10 miles.
Kildare & Linden R.R. Co. at Kildare (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operated 1888 to 1889. Length, 13 miles.
King Creek Lumber Co. tram at New Willard (Polk County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 6 and 12 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Bessmay (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 15 and 34 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Bon Wier (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1917.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Bronson (Sabine County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 4 and 12 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Browndel (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1912 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 7 and 17 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Buna (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Length, 15 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Call (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 10 and 45 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Evadale (Jasper County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1907 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 10 and 18 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Fuqua (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 9 and 18 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Kirbyville (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 5 and 35 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Mobile (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 10 and 12 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Oakdale (Polk County). Operating in 1912. Length, 12 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Roganville (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 7 and 14 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Silsbee (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operated by 1906 until the 1950's. Known mileage varied between 12 and 39.5 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Steep Creek (San Augustine County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 10 and 15 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Trotti (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1906. Length, 10 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Village Mills (Hardin County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 6 and 20 miles.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Voth (Jefferson County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Kirby Lumber Co. tram at Woodville (Tyler County). Operating by 1906 to at least 1910. Length, 3 miles.
Knox Lumber Co. tram at East Mayfield (Sabine County). Operating in 1920.
Knox Lumber Co. tram at Soda (a.k.a. "Knox") (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 8 miles.
Kurth Manufacturing Co. tram at Clarksville (Red River County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1935 to at least 1945?.
Kurth and Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
Kurth-Zeagler Lumber Co. tram at Veach (San Augustine County). Standard-gauge. Operating sometime after 1914.
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L |
Lake Creek Lumber Co. tram at Ulmer (Grimes County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 5 and 12 miles.
Lake Creek R.R. Co. at Bobbin (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1883 to at least 1895. Length, 8 miles.
Landry Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating by 1906 to at least 1907. Known mileage varied between 3 and 4 miles.
Leggett Lumber Co. tram at Leggett (Polk County). Operating in 1893. Length, 5 miles.
Lemon Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Operating by 1906 to at least 1907.
G. V. Leslie Co. tram at Stuebner (Harris County). Operating in 1891.
Lanana Lumber Co. tram at Dalmont (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1906.
Linden, Spring Bank and Queen City R.R. Co. at Queen City (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Length, 7.5 miles.
Livingston Lumber Co. tram at Buck or "Stanley" (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1912 to at least 1920. Length, 10 miles.
Livingston and Southeastern Ry. Co. at Livingston (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1903 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 4 and 8 miles.
Lodwick Lumber Co. tram at Lodwick (Marion County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1902 to at least 1910. Length, 10 miles.
Lone Star Mill tram R.R. Co. (T.L. Hackney’s tram) at Corrigan (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Length, 4 miles.
Long and Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1878.
Long-Bell Lumber Co. tram at Doucette (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1922 to at least 1928. Length, 14 miles.
Long-Bell Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
J., and L. Long Tram & Lumber Co. at Beaumont (Jefferson County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1881.
Lufkin Land and Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1900 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 8 and 30 miles.
Lutcher and Moore Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 20 and 58 miles.
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M |
Mardez Lumber Co. tram at Benford (Polk County). Operating in 1916.
Marshall, Timpson and Sabine R.R. Co. at Marshall (Harrison County). Operating by 1896 to at least 1897. Length, 8 miles.
A. B. Martindale Co. tram at Cushing (Nacogdoches County). Operating in 1907. Length, 6 miles.
Martin Wagon Co. tram at Veach (San Augustine County). Standard-gauge. Operating sometime after 1914.
Mathews (or "Matthews") and Co. tram at Barnum (Polk County). Operating in 1891.
Mathews (or "Matthews") and Co. tram at Cleveland (Liberty County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Length, 6 miles.
J. C. Mathews tram at Cleveland (Liberty County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1890.
H. S. Matthews Lumber Co. tram at Eylau (Bowie County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1891. Length, 5 miles.
Maund Lumber Co. tram at Hemphill (Sabine County). Standard-gauge.
Maund Lumber Co. tram at Latexo (Houston County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1919.
J. W. Maxey tram at Maxey. 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1910.
Mayotown Lumber Co. tram at Mayotown (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1909 to at least 1920. Length, 18 miles.
Mayo Transportation Co. at Mayotown (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 30 miles.
McDuffie and Kurth tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1888.
McDuffie and Peyton Co. tram at Trinity (Trinity County). Operating in 1891.
F. N. McIntosh tram at Quitman (Wood County). Operating in 1917. Length, 2 miles.
McShane Lumber Co. tram at Dearborn (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 14 and 17 miles.
L. B. Menefee Lumber Co. tram. (San Jacinto County). Operating in 1910.
Mepp, Brown and Hardee tram at Burke (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1893.
Middlebrook and Brother tram at Plank (Hardin County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Miller-Link Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1920.
Miller-Link Lumber Co. tram at Newton (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 3 miles.
Miller-Link Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 7 and 15 miles.
L. Miller Shingle Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 2 miles.
R. C. Miller Lumber Co. tram at Shepherd (San Jacinto County). Operating in 1912. Length, 8 miles.
Miller-Vidor Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 18 miles.
Miller-Vidor Lumber Co. tram at Vidor (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 64 miles.
Milvid Saw Mill Co. tram at Milvid (Liberty County). Operating in 1912. Length, 12 miles.
Montgomery and Co. tram at Brantley (Montgomery County). Operating in 1891.
Montgomery Land Co. tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge.
Montgomery Mill and Lumber Co. tram. Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 8 miles.
W. J. Montgomery Co. tram at New Caney (Montgomery County). Operating in 1891.
A. W. Morris tram at Bowers (Bowers & Piney Creek Ry.) (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1889 until January 1892 when sold to P. J. Willis. Charter for the B&PC Ry. was revoked in 1891. Known mileage varied between 3 and 8 miles.
A. W. Morris tram at Clevilas (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1885 to at least 1888. Known mileage varied between 4.5 and 9 miles.
Moscow, Camden and San Augustine R.R. Co. at Camden (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operated 1898 - date. Known mileage varied between 7 and 20 miles.
R. A. Myer Lumber Co. tram at Honey Island (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 15 and 18 miles.
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N |
Nacogdoches and Southeastern R.R. Co. at Nacogdoches (Nacogdoches and San Augustine Counties). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1905 - 1952. Known mileage varied between 14 miles incorporated.
Naples and Northwestern Ry. Co. at Naples (Morris County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910.
Naples and Sulphur River R.R. Co. at Naples (Morris County). Standard-gauge. Operated by 1907 to 1910. Length, 12 miles.
O. S. Neidigk tram at P.O. at Shepherd (San Jacinto County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1891. Length, 3 miles.
New South Lumber Co. tram at Flanagan (Rusk County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1907. Length, 10 miles.
Nona-Fletcher Lumber Co. tram at Fletcher (Hardin County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Nona-Fletcher Lumber Co. tram at Nona (Hardin County). Operating in 1920.
Nona Mills Co. tram at Nona (Hardin County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 6 and 8 miles.
Nona Mills Co. tram at Fannett (Jefferson County). Operating by 1906 to at least 1907. Known mileage varied between 4 and 5 miles.
W. H. Norris Lumber Co. tram at Warren (Tyler County). Operating in 1907.
North and South Texas R.R. Co. at Groveton (Trinity County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1906 to at least 1907. Known mileage varied between 26 and 35 miles.
North-East Texas Ry. Co. at Redwater (Bowie County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1902 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 16 and 30 miles.
North Texas Lumber Co. tram at Kildare (Cass County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 9 and 15 miles.
North Texas Land and Timber R.R. Co. at Wayne (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1885 to at least 1899. Known mileage varied between 5.25 and 15 miles.
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O |
Oakhurst Lumber Co. tram at Oakhurst (San Jacinto County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Oldham Brothers tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating sometime after 1910.
Olive-Sternenberg Company Timber R.R. at Olive (Hardin County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 5.5 and 18 and possibly 21 miles.
Onalaska and Northwestern R.R. Co. at Onalaska (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 3 and 25 miles.
Orange, Call and Pine Belt Ry. Co. at Call (Newton County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1898 to at least 1899. Known mileage varied between 10 and 14 miles.
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P |
Palmetto Lumber Co. tram at Jasper (Jasper County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Palmetto Lumber Co. tram at Oakhurst (San Jacinto County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 8.5 and 15 miles.
Paris Handle Co. tram at Paris (Lamar County). Operating in 1907.
Peach River Lumber Co. tram at Timber (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 16 miles.
Peach River and Gulf Ry. Co. at Timber (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1904 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 8 and 18 miles.
Peavy-Moore Lumber Co. tram at Deweyville (Newton County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
J. B. Peyton and Co. tram at Trinity (Trinity County). Operating in 1893. Length, 7 miles.
Pfeuffer Cedar Co. tram from Lometa to Bend (Lampasas and San Saba Counties). 36-inch gauge. Operated 1916-1920.
W. R. Pickering Lumber Co. tram at Haslam (Shelby County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 25 and 65 miles.
Pine Grove Lumber Co. tram at Alonzo (Walker County). 36-inch gauge.
Pine Ridge Lumber Co. tram at Pine Ridge (Harrison County). Operating in 1906.
Pine Ridge and Caddo Valley R.R. Co. at P.O. at Marshall (Harrison County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1890.
P. J. Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 4.5 miles.
Galloway and Garrison Lumber Co. tram at Trawick (Nacogdoches County).
Plummer and Matthews tram at Magnolia (Montgomery County). Operating in 1907. Length, 2.25 miles.
Polk County Lumber Co. tram at Leggett (Polk County). Operating in 1893. Length, 5 miles.
Pollok and Angelina Valley Transportation Co. at Keltys (Angelina County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1910. Length, 14 miles; 20 additional under construction.
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Q |
E. A. Qualline Co. tram at Willis (Montgomery County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Queen City Lumber Co. tram at Queen City (Cass County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1891.
Queen City, Linden and Lumberman's Ry. Co. at Queen City (Cass County). Operating in 1883.
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R |
Ragley-McWilliams Lumber Co. tram at Pineland (Sabine County). Operating in 1907. Length, 3 miles projected.
W. G. Ragley Lumber Co. tram at Ragley (Panola County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 7 and 10 miles.
W. G. Ragley Lumber Co. tram at Winnsboro (Wood County). Operating in 1896.
Texas Tram and Lumber Co. R.R. at "Tram" (P.O. at Magnolia Springs, shipping at Colmesneil) (Jasper County). Operating in 1891. Length, 25 miles.
Reese-Corriher Lumber Co. tram at Connell (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1914 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 4 and 7 miles.
Fred A. Rice tram. 36-inch gauge. Operated 1881-1883.
George C. Rice Lumber Co. tram at Spring (Harris County). 36-inch gauge.
J. S., and W. M. Rice tram at Hyatt (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1906. Length, 4.5 miles.
Rice and Lummis tram at Montgomery (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1887.
Richards and Sparger tram at Warren (Tyler County). Operating in 1920.
W. H. Richards tram at Unknown (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1906.
D. M. Richton tram. 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1914.
Riverside and Gulf Ry. Co. at Milvid (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1910. Length, 12 miles.
Robertson-MacDonald Lumber Co. tram at Devers (Liberty County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
Rock Creek Lumber Co. tram at Trinity (Trinity County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 11 miles.
Rockland Lumber Co. tram at Rockland (Tyler County). Operating in 1891.
Rock Quarries Tram Road (Tyler and Jasper Counties). Operating in 1897.
Philip A. Ryan Lumber Co. tram at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 6 and 10 miles.
W. F. Ryder Lumber Co. tram at Voth (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1915. Length, 14 miles.
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S |
Sabine County Lumber Co. tram at Hemphill (Sabine County). Standard-gauge.
Sabine and Northern R.R. Co. at Deweyville (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1899 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 10.5 and 27 miles.
Sabine River Lumber and Logging Co. tram at Flanagan (Rusk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 2 and 14 miles.
Sabine Tram Co. at Deweyville (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1902 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 8 and 25 miles.
Sabine Tram Co. at Felicia (Liberty County). Operating in 1917. Length, 8 miles.
Sabine Tram Co. at Orange (Orange County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 7 miles.
Sabine Valley Hardwood Co. tram at Bon Wier (Newton County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1920.
San Augustine Lumber Co. tram at Keltys (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 25 miles.
Saner-Ragley Lumber Co. tram at Carmona (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 3 and 4 miles.
Saner-Whiteman Lumber Co. tram at Caro (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Known mileage varied between 15 and 29 miles.
San Jacinto Lumber Co. tram at Dodge (Walker County). Operating in 1910.
San Jacinto and Southern R.R. Co. at San Jacinto (San Jacinto County). Operating in 1900.
R. L. Saunders tram at Brantley (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1883.
W. J. Saunders tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating in 1903.
W. S. D. Saunders tram at Brantley (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1888 to at least 1891.
Sawyer and Son tram at Livingston (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 1.5 and 2.25 miles.
Schmidt and Popp Lumber Co. tram at Popp's Mill (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1921/1922 to at least and 1926 (?).
Scholten Brothers Cedar Co. tram from Lometa to Bend (Lampasas and San Saba Counties). 36-inch gauge. Operated 1912-1916.
Seven Oaks Timber Road at Seven Oaks (Polk County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1900. Known mileage varied between 4 and 5 miles.
Southern Mills Co. at Dalmont (P.O. at Trawick) (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge.
Sheets Brothers tram at Atlanta (Cass County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 4 and 20.5 miles.
Henry Shreve Lumber Co. tram at Texarkana (Bowie County). Operating in 1917. Length, 12 miles.
Shreveport, Houston and Gulf R.R. Co. at Manning (Angelina, Tyler and Polk Counties). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1935. Known mileage varied between 16 and 25 miles.
Shutz Lumber Co. tram at Cody (Waller County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 2 miles.
Sigler and Snell tram at Dyersdale (Harris County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1909.
L. T. Sloan at Phelps (Walker County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1891.
L. T. Sloan at Pine Valley (Walker County). Operating in 1893. Length, 3 miles.
Cicero Smith tram at Cicero (P.O. Tenaha) (Shelby County). Operating in 1893. Length, 2 miles.
C. L. Smith Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907.
H. R. Smith Co. tram at Bettie (Upshur County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1890. Length, 3 miles.
J. G. Smith tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). 36-inch gauge.
R. W. Snelling and Co. tram at Seneca (between Woodville and Hillister) (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1889.
Southern Land Lumber Co. tram at Beaumont (Jefferson County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928. Length, unknown.
Southern Lumber Co. tram at Myrtis, Louisiana (Caddo Parish (Myrtis); Cass County (Smithfield) County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1917 to at least 1920. Length, 28 miles.
Southern Mills Co. tram at Dalmont (P.O. at Trawick) (Nacogdoches County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Length, 4 miles.
Southern Pine Lumber Co. tram at Diboll (Angelina County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 15 miles.
South Texas Hardwood Co. tram at Dayton (Liberty County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1920. Length, 20 miles.
Southwest Lumber Co. tram at Mobile (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge.
Sparkman Manufacturing Co. tram at Ulmer (Grimes County). Operating in 1912. Length, 25 miles.
A. T. Squire Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1903 to at least 1904.
Stanley and Northeastern Ry. Co. at Buck (Polk County). Operating in 1915. Length, 10 miles.
Star Mining and Transportation Co. (*see note) at Unknown (Unknown. County).
Stewart Liken tram at Devers (Liberty County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1888 to at least 1893. Length, 6 miles.
D. F. Sullivan tram at Naples (Morris County). 36-inch gauge.
Sullivan-Sanford Lumber Co. (see also Naples & Sulphur River R.R.) tram at Naples (Morris County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1910. Length, 15 miles.
Sulphur Lumber Company Narrow Gauge R.R. at Maud (Bowie County). Operating in 1920.
Sulphur Lumber Company Narrow Gauge R.R. at Sulphur Station (Bowie County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1895. Known mileage varied between 5 and 10 miles.
Summit Lumber Co. tram at Summit (Tyler County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 3 miles.
Sunset Lumber Co. tram at Doucette (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1906.
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T |
Talbot-Duhig Lumber Co. tram at Lemonville (Orange County). Operating in 1910.
F. A. Talley and Co. tram at Keenan (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1909 to at least 1910. Length, 11 miles.
Talltimber or "Tall Timber" Lumber Co. tram at Talltimber or Tall Timber (Sabine County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1920. Length, 8 miles.
Temby, Lyon and Gribble Co. tram at Leggett (Polk County). Operating in 1891.
Temple Lumber Co. tram at Hemphill (Sabine County). Operating by 1924 to at least 1928.
Temple Lumber Co. tram at Pineland (Sabine County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 16 and 25 miles.
Teneha Lumber Co. tram at Teneha (Shelby County). 36-inch gauge.
Terry Lumber Co. tram at Terry (Orange County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1915. Length, 3 miles.
Texarkana and Northern R.R. Co. P.O. at Texarkana, Arkansas (Bowie County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1887 to at least 1888. Length, 10.5 miles.
Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana Ry. Co. at Atlanta (Cass County). Operating by 1899 to at least 1902. Length, 7.7 miles.
Texas Lumber and Manufacturing Co. tram at Honey Island (Hardin County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Length, 8 miles.
Texas Log and Lumber Co. tram at Riverside (Walker County). Operating in 1907.
Texas Long Leaf Lumber Co. tram at New Willard (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Length, 12 miles.
Texas and Louisiana R.R. Co. at Lufkin (Angelina County). Operating by 1901 to at least 1902. Known mileage varied between 19 and 20 miles.
Texas, Louisiana and Gulf Ry. Co. Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910. Known mileage varied between 19 and 24 miles.
Texas and Northeastern Ry. Co. at Village Mills (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1900.
Texas Northern Ry. Co. at Groveton (Trinity County). Operating in 1908.
Texas Short Leaf Lumber Co. tram at Clawson (Angelina County). "Narrow gauge." Operating in 1910. Length, 6 miles.
Texas Southeastern Ry. Co. (1900-1931) and Texas South-Eastern R.R. Co. (1931-date) at Diboll (Angelina County). Standard-gauge. Operated 1901 - date. Known mileage varied between 14 and 56 miles.
Texas Tram and Lumber Company R.R. at Beaumont (Hardin, Jasper and Jefferson Counties). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1888 to at least 1902. Known mileage varied between 7 and 25 miles.
Texas Yellow Pine Lumber Co. tram at Warren (Tyler County). Operating in 1898.
Thompson Brothers Lumber Co. tram at Doucette. (Tyler County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1906 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 5 and 22 miles.
Thompson Brothers Lumber Co. tram at Leggett. (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1910.
Thompson Brothers Lumber Co. tram at Trinity. (Trinity County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1912 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 7 and 12 miles.
Thompson and Ford Lumber Co. tram at Grayburg (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 12 and 20 miles.
Thompson and Ford Lumber Co. tram at Sour Lake (Hardin County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1909.
Thompson-Tucker Lumber Co. tram at New Willard (Polk County). Operating in 1912. Length, 10 miles.
Thompson-Tucker Lumber Co. tram at Trinity (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1887 to at least 1891. Known mileage varied between 6 and 7 miles.
Thompson-Tucker Lumber Co. tram at Trinity (Trinity County). Operating by 1887 to at least 1891.
Thompson-Tucker Lumber Co. tram at Willard (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1891 to at least 1910. Known mileage varied between 4 and 8 miles.
Timpson and Henderson Ry. Co. at Ragley (Rusk, Panola and Shelby Counties). Standard-gauge. Operated 1909 - 1923. Length, 33.7 miles.
Timpson and Northwestern Ry. Co. at Ragley and Timpson (Panola, Shelby and Rusk Counties). Standard-gauge. Operated 1901 - 1909. Known mileage varied between 10 and 14 miles.
Todd Lumber Co. tram at Todd (Grimes County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1920.
S. M. Tomme and Sons tram at Gist (Jasper County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1915. Length, 4 miles.
S. M. Tomme and Sons tram at Hartburg (Newton County). Operating in 1917. Length, 5 miles.
M. W. Townsend tram at Baker (Angelina County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 1.25 miles.
R. E. Trabue tram at Carthage (Panola County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1905.
Tram Arthur Lumber Co. tram at Unknown. Operating by 1902 to at least 1903. Length, 6.7 miles operated over a Kirby Lumber Co. tram. Trinity, Corrigan and Northwestern R.R. Co. at Carmona (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1902. Length unknown; sources note intention to build 39 miles in 1902.
Trinity County Lumber Co. tram at Groveton (Trinity County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1890 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 5 and 36 miles.
Trinity River Lumber Co. tram at Fostoria (Montgomery County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1928. Length, 21 miles.
Trinity River Lumber Co. tram at Honea (Montgomery County). Operating in 1902. Length, 12 miles.
Trinity River Lumber Co. tram at Humble (Harris County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1920. Length, 8 miles.
Trinity River Sawmill Co. tram at Leonidas (Montgomery County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1924.
Trinity River Sawmill Co. tram at Pineview (Montgomery County). Operating in 1920.
Trinity Valley and Northern R.R. Co. at Dayton (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operated 1906 - 1933. Known mileage varied between 14 and 18 miles.
Trinity Valley R.R. Co. at Oakhurst (San Jacinto County). Operated 1899 - 1901. Known mileage varied between 6 and 7 miles.
Trinity Valley Southern R.R. Co. at Oakhurst (San Jacinto and Walker Counties). Standard-gauge. Operated 1902 - 1936. Known mileage varied between 6 and 20 miles.
Tulane Lumber Co. tram at Orange (Orange County). Operating sometime after 1910.
Texas, Louisiana and Eastern R.R. Co. at Conroe (Montgomery County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1891 - 1897. Length, 30 miles.
Texas and Northeastern Ry. Co. at Crow (Wood County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1907.
Tyler County Lumber Co. tram at Warren (Tyler County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 18 and 25 miles.
Tyler Star Lumber Co. tram at Gilmer (Upshur County). Operating in 1893. Length, 5 miles.
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U |
Union Lumber Co. tram at Milvid (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1917. Length, 10 miles.
Unknown tram R.R. at Lorenzo (Unknown County).
Unknown tram R.R. at McCoy, Louisiana and extending into Cass County. Operating in 1907.
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V |
Valley Lumber Co. tram at Neuville (Shelby County). Standard-gauge.
Village Mills Co. tram at Village Mills (Hardin County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 5.5 and 10 miles.
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W |
Wade and Miller tram at Conroe (Montgomery County). 36-inch gauge.
Walker County Lumber Co. tram at Elmina (Walker County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 12 and 18 miles.
Ware and Driskell tram at Sarber (Marion County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1928 to at least 1929.
Warren Lumber Co. tram at Warren (Tyler County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1886 to at least 1893. Known mileage varied between 2 and 16 miles.
Warren and Corsicana Pacific Ry. Co. at Warren (Tyler County). Built as 36-inch gauge, later standard-gauged. Operating by 1900 to at least 1907. Known mileage varied between 18 and 33 miles.
Warren Tram and Lumber Co. tram at Warren (Tyler County). Operating in 1893. Length, 13 miles.
Waterman Lumber Co. tram at Blocker (Harrison County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 12 and 19 miles.
Waterman Lumber Co. tram at Waskom (Harrison County). Operating in 1924.
Waterman Lumber and Supply Co. at Waterman (Shelby County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 4 and 30 miles.
Waterman Lumber and Supply Co. at Waskom (Harrison County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1928.
William Waterman tram at Peach (Wood County). Operating in 1917. Length, 6 miles.
Watson and Co. tram at Mobile (Tyler County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893.
Waukegan Transportation Co. at Waukegan (Montgomery County). "Narrow gauge." Operating by 1907 to at least 1915. Known mileage varied between 15 and 18 miles.
Weaver Brothers and Thompson tram at Latexo (Houston County). Standard-gauge.
Weaver Brothers and Thompson tram at Neches (Anderson County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1926.
West Lumber Co. tram at Benford (Polk County). Operating in 1907.
West Lumber Co. tram at Connell (Orange County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1924. Length, 7 miles.
West Lumber Co. tram at Dayton (Liberty County). Operating in 1920. Length, 16 miles.
West Lumber Co. tram at Latexo (Houston County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1920.
West Lumber Co. tram at Milvid (Liberty County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1920 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 10 and 15 miles.
West Lumber Co. at Onalaska (Polk County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1928. Known mileage varied between 3 and 15 miles.
West Lumber Co. at Peterville. Operating in 1907.
West Lumber Co. at Westville (Trinity County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1906 to at least 1920. Known mileage varied between 3 and 25 miles.
Westville, Crockett and Northern R.R. Co. at Westville (Trinity County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1912. Known mileage varied between 10 and 15 miles.
Whiteman-Decker Lumber Co. tram at Caro (Nacogdoches and Rusk Counties). Standard-gauge. Operated by 1906 - 1915. Known mileage varied between 17 and 24 miles.
Wier Long Leaf Lumber Co. tram at Burkeville (Newton County). Operating by 1917 to at least 1920.
Wier Long Leaf Lumber Co. tram at Wiergate (Newton County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1924.
R. W. Wier Lumber Co. tram at Texla (Orange County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1910 to at least 1917. Known mileage varied between 8 and 12 miles.
Williams-Hicks Lumber Co. tram at Magnolia (Montgomery County). Operating by 1920 to at least 1924.
J. L. Williams Lumber Co. tram at Palestine (Anderson County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1915. Length, 33 miles.
Williams Lumber Co. at Thicket (Montgomery County). Operating in 1912. Length, 7 miles.
Williams Lumber Co. at Williams (Montgomery? County).
P. J. Willis & Bro. tram at Bowers (Polk County). Purchased from A. W. Morris in January 1892. Length, 8 miles.
Willow Lumber Co. tram at Spring (Harris County). Operating in 1912. Length, 7 miles.
Willow and Spring Valley R.R. Co. at Spring (Harris County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1910. Length, 10 miles.
C. W. Winkler tram at Cypress Top (near Cypress) (Harris County). Operating in 1891.
Wood, Bancroft and Doty tram at Canyon City (Randall County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1906.
Woodworth Lumber Co. tram at Blooming Grove (Navarro County). Operating in 1893. Length, 14 miles.
C. S. Woodworth and Co. tram at Wayne (Cass County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. Length, 15 miles.
J. W. Wright tram at Tyler (Smith County).
M. H. Wurtsbaugh Lumber Co. tram at Karnack (Marion County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1915 to at least 1928. Length, 3 miles.
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Y |
Yates and Noble tram at Longview (Gregg County). 36-inch gauge. Operating by 1889 to at least 1893. Length, 5 miles.
Yellow Pine Tram and Lumber Company at Colmesneil (Tyler County). Operating by 1891 to at least 1893. |
Other Industrial Trams in Texas
Arcola Sugar Mill Co. tram at Howden (Fort Bend County). Operating in 1903.
Cannel Coal Co. at Cannel, Tex. (Webb County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1899.
Cunningham Sugar Co. tram at Sugar Sound (Fort Bend County). 24-inch gauge. Operating by 1907 to at least 1908.
Duval Texas Sulphur Co. plant railroad at Benavides (Duval County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1930.
Dittlinger Lime Co. plant railroad at New Braunfels (Comal County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1923.
Gemmer and Tanner Gravel Co. tram at Columbus (Colorado County). Standard-gauge. Operating in 1932.
San Carlos Coal Co. tram at San Carlos (Presidio County). Length, 1.57 miles.
Sanford and Northern Ry. Co. gravel railroad at Sanford (Hutchinson County). Operating in 1931.
Santo Tomas Coal Co. at Darwin, Tex. tram (Webb County). 30-inch gauge.
Santo Tomas Coal Co. at Minera, Tex. tram (Webb County). 30-inch gauge. Operating in 1914.
Uvalde Rock Asphalt Co. gravel tram at Blewett, a.k.a. Cline (Uvalde County). Standard-gauge. Operating by 1920 to at least 1921.
Gustav Wilke construction company at Austin (Travis County). 36-inch gauge. Operating in 1885.