Lists of Texas Railroads, Street and Interurban Railways, Logging Trams, Sawmills, etc. |
Railroads, Logging Trams, Saw Mill Lists, etc. |
1880-1960: Railroad Database.
Data on approximately 800 common carrier and logging railroads that operated in Texas. This contains data from Poor's manuals, lumber directories, period atlases, etc. |
1880-1960: Comprehensive List of Texas Logging Railroads.
Basic data on approximately 550 logging railroads from the Railroad Database. |
Additional data not in database: |
1887: Logging railroads. (Poor's Directory of Railway Officials) [Transcribed Text] |
1889: Logging railroads. (Official Railway List) [Transcribed Text] |
1891: Logging railroads, lumber mills. (Rand-McNally Directory of Lumber Mills) [PDF] |
1891: Logging & common carrier railroads. (Walker's Atlas) [PDF] |
1911-1912: Logging railroad descriptions in the "Tap Line Case." (Interstate Commerce Commission) |
Street and Interurban Railways |
1886: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Directory of Railway Officials) |
1887: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Directory of Railway Officials) |
1890: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Manual of Railroads) [Transcribed Text] |
1898: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Manual of Railroads) [PDF] |
1899: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Manual of Railroads) [PDF] |
1900: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Manual of Railroads) [PDF] |
1902: List of street railways with statistics. (Street Railway Journal) |
1904: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Manual of Railroads) [PDF] |
1907: List of street railways with statistics. (Poor's Directory of Railway Officials) [PDF] |
1918: List of street railways with statistics. (McGraw Directory) [PDF] |
1921: List of street railways with statistics. (McGraw Directory) [PDF] |
1924: List of street railways with statistics. (Electric Traction Pocketlist) [PDF] |
Industrial Trams: Coal, Salt, Gravel, etc. |
1914: "Coal Mines of Texas for the Year 1914." (U.T. Mineral Bulletin "Fuels Used in Texas") |
Sources for these lists and directories: |
American Lumberman. 1906. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago, Ill.: American Lumberman, 1906. |
American Lumberman. 1907. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago, Ill.: American Lumberman, 1907. |
American Lumberman. 1910. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago, Ill.: American Lumberman, 1910. |
American Lumberman. 1912. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago, Ill.: American Lumberman, 1912. |
American Lumberman. 1915. Register of Sawmill and Planing Mill Auxiliary Equipment. Chicago, Ill.: American Lumberman, 1915. |
Cram, George F. Cram's Standard American Railway System Atlas of the World, [Louisiana sheet]. Chicago, Ill: George F. Cram, [Various years]. |
Electric Traction Weekly. Electric Traction Pocket List, June 1924. Chicago, Ill.: Kenfield-Davis Co., 1924. |
Lumberman's Credit Association. Reference Book of the Lumbermen's Credit Association, January 1901. Chicago: Lumbermen's Credit Association, 1901.
McGraw Electric Railway Manual, Issued Annually in Connection with the Electric Railway Journal. Twenty-Fifth Annual Number [1918]. New York City: McGraw Publishing Company, Inc., 1918.
McGraw Electric Railway Manual, Issued Annually in Connection with the Electric Railway Journal. Twenty-Eighth Annual Number [1921]. New York City: McGraw Publishing Company, Inc., 1921.
Northwestern Lumberman. Directory list of sawmills and logging railroads in the United States, [Louisiana section]. December 25, 1886. Chicago, Ill.: W.B. Judson. |
Northwestern Lumberman. Directory list of sawmills and logging railroads in the United States, [Louisiana section]. March 9, 1889. Chicago, Ill.: W.B. Judson. |
The Official Railway List: A Directory of the Presidents, Vice Presidents, General Managers and Assistants ... of Railways in North America, and Handbook of Useful Information for Railway Men. Chicago: Railway Purchasing Agent Co. [Series, 1881-1907]. |
Polk, R.L. & Co. Polk's lumber directory of the United States. 1st Ed. Chicago: R.L. Polk. 1902. |
Polk, R.L. & Co. Polk's lumber directory of the United States. 2nd Ed. Chicago: R.L. Polk. 1904-05. |
Polk, R.L. & Co. Polk's lumber directory of the United States. 3rd Ed. Chicago: R.L. Polk. 1906-07. |
Polk, R.L. & Co. Polk's Lumber Directory of the United States. 4th Ed. Chicago: R.L. Polk. 1910. |
Poor, H.V., and H.W. Poor. Poor's Directory of Railway Officials (Steam, Electric and Other). New York, N.Y.: Poor's Railroad Manual. [Series, 1886-1904]. |
Poor, H.V., and H.W. Poor. Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the United States. New York: H.V. & H.W. Poor. [Series, 1868-1926]. |
Rand, McNally and Co. Rand, McNally and Company's Directory and Shipping Guide of Lumber Mills and Lumber Dealers. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1891.
Rand, McNally and Co. Rand, McNally and Company's Directory and Shipping Guide of Lumber Mills and Lumber Dealers. Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1893.
Phillips, Wm. B., and S. H. Worrell, The Fuels Used in Texas. Bulletin of the University of Texas No. 307, Scientific Series No. 35. December 22, 1913. |
Sondereger, V. H., Department of Conservation, Division of Forestry. Classification and Uses of Agricultural and Forest Lands in the State of Louisiana and the Parishes. Bulletin No. 24, Vol. VIII, 1939. [Baton Rouge, La.?], Department of Conservation, 1939. |
Southern Lumberman. 1917. Southern Lumberman's Directory of American Saw Mills and Planing Mills, 2nd edition. Nashville: Southern Lumberman, 1917.
Southern Lumberman. 1920. Southern Lumberman's Directory of American Saw Mills and Planing Mills, 3rd edition. Nashville: Southern Lumberman, 1920.
Southern Lumberman. 1924. Southern Lumberman's Directory of American Saw Mills and Planing Mills, 4th edition. Nashville: Southern Lumberman, 1924.
Southern Lumberman. 1928. Southern Lumberman's Directory of American Saw Mills and Planing Mills, 5th edition. Nashville: Southern Lumberman, 1928.
Southern Lumberman. 1934. Southern Lumberman's Directory of American Saw Mills and Planing Mills, 6th edition. Nashville: Southern Lumberman, 1934.
United States. Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, 23 I.C.C. 277, 549. [Wash., D.C.]: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. |
United States. Decisions of the United States Supreme Court, 234 U.S. 1. [Wash., D.C.]: U.S. Govt. Print. Off. |
Text and images were digitized and proofread from the original source documents by Murry Hammond. Contact Murry for all corrections, additions, and contributions of new material. |